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  • yz7720

Happy Halloween!

The original idea we had for this project is to have an instrumental music box, that you could change the tone of the music by using the potentiometer located on the left side of the box, and change songs playing using a pushbutton on the right side of the box. And since Halloween is just around the corner, we decided to do something to celebrate!

We started with building a simple circuit as per below video. The photosensor detects the light, so when the box is opened, the music begins, and the potentiometer changes the tone of the music accordingly. The pushbutton was added in later progress.

All the material used for this project are found in the trash area at ITP. The coffin was hand cut to build a spooky environment, and also to contain the circuit perfectly.

The coding part is definitely the fun part. We have tried different threshold value for the photocell to work sensitively, and we started from 200 and lowered it to 100 once the whole circuit was installed in side the coffin. It was also a bit of challenge to add the pushbutton to change the songs. We worked out that instead of writing notes[0] = {NOTE_G3, NOTE_GS3, NOTE_AS3, NOTE_D4, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_D5, NOTE_FS5, NOTE_G5}, we have to reassign each notes differently as per below. So you push the pushbutton for 3 times to change 3 different combination of notes. The combination of notes was composed by Gabe through Ableton.

We all enjoyed making this project and decorated it carefully! Happy Halloween!

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