Drawing with p5.js web editor is definitely a fun thing to start with for a computation newbee like me. I started with exploring only using the basic 2D shapes and color functions based on a self-portrait I did for myself several years ago.
During the process, I found the arc() function is a tricky one to work with. For basic functions, there is no such thing as "mirror", so if i want to have the exact arc to flip a direction, I would set up a new start and stop location for this new shape to be the mirror of the old one. But at the same time the width and height of the ellipse would also change accordingly.
Another thing to make a note on is that the fill() and strokeWeight() function will be applied to every single shape drawn after, if no new fill or stroke is applied to the new shape. Below is an example of me not knowing this at the beginning and applied no stroke across the whole drawing.
Link to Final: Ihttps://editor.p5js.org/yz7720/sketches/c9CSfq4wI
How computation applies to my interest?
After 8 years working and studying in the building industry, I feel there are certain constrains regarding the freedom of design in this traditional design area. Also as an architecture graduate and industrial designer, I have developed a profound interest in graphic and installation design. After a visit to TeamLab's exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, which the experience have grown into a huge inspiration, that computation media art could be a good combination of what I'm looking to do.